Nap time is a funny time for Miss Kali! She is two extremes and you never know what your are going to get. This day was a sleepy dragging kind of nap time. She couldn't keep her eyes open and was almost asleep before I could get her shoes off. Enjoy the next two pictures of nap time and then a bonus cute pic at the end.

Your eyes are getting

Sleep... Sleep... Sleep!

I couldn't resist taking this picture tonight after she had fallen asleep. I have to admit that I don't put her to bed awake...we snuggle, sometimes read, sometimes watch Dora or Blue's Clues. Ultimately she falls asleep in our bed and then I move her. This picture is so cute because she never likes to have a blanket on her. Tonight she was playing and jumping and not mellowing out!! It was
sooo irritating. I threatened to put her in her bed to cry it out and then... she did this! :-) She rolled over, pulled up the cover, placed the thumb in her mouth, and then off to slumber land. What a pretty little baby!!
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