Friday, June 12, 2009

Mrs Hoppy the Frog!

Kali woke up from her nap the other day to find that I had caught her a little frog and put it in a container with holes in it. She was so excited about it that we went out back to see if we could find some more. She was soooo funny! Enjoy the pictures and videos just as I enjoyed capturing them!
LOOK Mommy!! Mrs Frog!
Oops... he jumped out of her hand and on to her leg!!

She is waiting to patiently for the little frog!

Here she is trying to catch her little friend!

Summer fun!

This is our second year planting a garden. Since these pictures were taken everything has come up and is looking good! We currently have 5 different types of pumpkins in the ground, green beans, onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapenos, watermelon, cantaloupe, and cucumbers! YUMMY!!
Heading out to the garden to see if she can "help" in any way!! :-)
Planting green beans!! Yummy! Kimberly and Nathan love the beans more than anything else that comes from our garden...they love to help!

A little water helps the seeds grow!
Still lovin' the mower with her daddy!!

There is always time for sidewalk chalk!!
Kali sees Daddy sweep after he mows. She wanted to help!
Mean yes I know to take this picture... even more mean that I'm posting it... but how cute is this? Sometimes when we're putting on PJs Kali likes to run away "nakey"!!