Sunday was Amanda's last shower before the big day! Mom and Nana made the main appetizers of yummy chicken satay and tai meatballs along with veggie cups, artichoke dip, and punch with fruit floating! It was fabulous. Traci made a tasty crab dip and a bruschetta with crustinis! I put together a mostly successful jello poke cake with strawberries. I now know that if I was to roll the strawberries in flour before adding them to the cake batter, they would not have sunk to the bottom! Oh well... tasty none the less!! The count down in nearing an end Manny!! We are so excited for you and Chuck!!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
One last party as a SINGLE GIRL!!
We love all of the Green!!
All of the rain and sun we have been getting is making everything so green. We love it!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Jo-Jo!!
Saturday was Joseph Danial Foley's 1st birthday. The theme was baseball and he was his little slugger onesie. He was super cute for the party and did very well for having a short nap and a late afternoon party. Most of the family was there to celebrate with this little cutie pie.
Here birdy birdy birdy!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Ride 'Em Cow... I mean... Duckgirl!
After nap time Kali was a force to be reckoned with. She was all over the place, I couldn't keep her still. So, I got the camera out and started shooting. Check out the super cute pig-tails that I finally can get into her hair!! She has stopped trying to take them out after three attempts.
Nana has arrived!!
My Nana got in to Kansas City today!! She came for a visit and mostly for Amanda's wedding. It's so exciting... we're down to 16 days!! Anyhow, Kali and I went up to the airport to see Nana arrive since I have to work the next two days. It's so good to have her here. San Diego is a long way to be from my Nana!!
Kali and I waited with Nana while Granny Coldwell got the car. Nana pulled out some yummy cheese crackers for Kali to very graciously munch on. Nana is already a hero. Kali never forgets who feeds her... kinda like a dog?? :-)
Kali learned from Nathan to open crackers and oreos to get the good stuff. She is wearing the evidence on her lips! I found some in her right nostril later on too. How did that feel??
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sleepy little girl!
Nap time is a funny time for Miss Kali! She is two extremes and you never know what your are going to get. This day was a sleepy dragging kind of nap time. She couldn't keep her eyes open and was almost asleep before I could get her shoes off. Enjoy the next two pictures of nap time and then a bonus cute pic at the end.
Monday, May 19, 2008
What a weekend!
Well, I have no pictures this time around but wow it was a crazy weekend!! I worked on Friday and so that never makes for a very smooth transition into the weekend. Saturday morning I got up to pack for Amanda's bachelorette party weekend and found myself experiencing a bit of stomach discomfort that escalated and well, I ended up sending Mom on her way alone. I was so very sad. I wanted to be there for Amanda in the worst way!! I heard from all of them and it sounds like even though everything didn't go quite as planned, she had a really good time. So, as I hung back and napped and avoided food like the plague, Mike and his band DUVALL prepared to play for our neighborhood block party. They have been practicing in our "studio converted" third car garage for about 8 months now and finally had a chance to play a live/free show for our subdivision. I took Kali down in the stroller for about 20 minutes before we headed back to our bed. What I did hear was rockin!! I will put the link to YouTube on here so you can see how good they were. I'm so proud of Mike and the guys. He has such a passion for music and he really is having a good time. On Sunday I woke up a new person... thank goodness!! We got our garden started and planted some flowers in the barrels out front. Later I took Kimberly, Nathan, and Kali to the Olathe YMC for a birthday for a long time friend of Kimberly's, Miss Corey Belton. They had a really good time. When the weekend finally came to an end and we got home, we noticed that Mike had made our favorite dinner: BBQd steak/chops/chicken, baked potato, and salad! YUMMY!! What a good guy. I can't believe that all happened in one weekend. Well, next weekend will be even busier!! Till then... I'll work on some pictures of the fam!
(Mike is the drummer!)
(Mike is the drummer!)
Friday, May 16, 2008
Meet President Harry S. Truman...
Nathan had a project at school that was a wax museum about famous Missourians. Nathan's character was Harry S. Truman. He had a schpeal that he said but when I tried to record it I couldn't even hear him. All of the kids in his class did and looked great!
overstuffed Pooh.
Garlic Butter... YUMMMMM!
We had Papa John's Pizza the other night and Kali wanted to try the garlic butter that all of us were using. So, I obilged her and put a small amount on her tray. A few seconds later she said "more please" so I put another small puddle on her plate. Then I glanced over and saw what is in this super cute video. You can hear Kimberly cracking up... everyone was very entertained!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Ready for the pool!
Playing with Joe-Joe!
On Mother's Day we went over to Uncle Ray and Auntie Tisha's house for a little bit to see everyone. Kali's favorite part about going over there is playing with Joe-Joe (Joseph!). They are both infatuated with each other!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Lots of new friends!
Kali and I went up to the hospital on Cinco de Mayo to celebrate Joe and Jennie getting married. The whole floor came together to put on a great lunch for them. We are so happy that they are going to be husband and wife!! Congrats guys!
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