Grandma and Papa Coldwell just HAD to ride the camel with Kali. I'm pretty sure they had more fun than Kali... or the camel for that fact!! :-)

The Australian sheep were so tame that it was perfectly alright to let Kali go up and pet them... she even hugged some of them. She was saying "Hi BaaBaa".

Grandma Coldwell was bombarded by hungry sheep after getting a handful of pellets! They weren't biting her but they sure were nudging and stepping on her feet.

Papa Coldwell did a No-No and threw grapes to the baboons! You can see the baby picking one up. They really did like them and atleast it's probably similar to what they eat normally! He was about to throw them cheetos when we stopped him!

To cool her off on this hot day I took Kali to the water fountain. After that we had to go to EVERY SINGLE water fountain we crossed! The small things in life...

Kimberly and Nathan may not have been with us but I'd like to say I captured a picture of all three of them here!

One... Twooooooooo... Nine! Kali seems to love the number 2, so she holds it as long as she can, and then moves on to 9! We are working on putting it in her vocab but she is so stubborn!! She loved it when Manny and Papa Coldwell were swinging her!

Here is our friend the gorilla up close... he's so cute!!

Kali just LOVED the gorilla. We couldn't hardly get her away from the window. He was chillin out in the corner!

We couldn't get her to hold on till we got to the car. She crashed out in the stroller and then stayed asleep all the way home and then napped for 3 more hours. We wore her out!!
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