Friday, July 25, 2008

Only a Foley!!

When at the Chimp encolosure we noticed that the monkeys had thrown poo at the window... funny! It's funny because here at the Foley palace we like to quote the movie Madagascar: If you have poo... throw it now! Well Kali caught on that I noticed there was poop on the window and well... see for yourself!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Kali's 1st Zoo Trip!!

Grandma and Papa Coldwell just HAD to ride the camel with Kali. I'm pretty sure they had more fun than Kali... or the camel for that fact!! :-)

The Australian sheep were so tame that it was perfectly alright to let Kali go up and pet them... she even hugged some of them. She was saying "Hi BaaBaa".

Grandma Coldwell was bombarded by hungry sheep after getting a handful of pellets! They weren't biting her but they sure were nudging and stepping on her feet.

Papa Coldwell did a No-No and threw grapes to the baboons! You can see the baby picking one up. They really did like them and atleast it's probably similar to what they eat normally! He was about to throw them cheetos when we stopped him!

To cool her off on this hot day I took Kali to the water fountain. After that we had to go to EVERY SINGLE water fountain we crossed! The small things in life...

Kimberly and Nathan may not have been with us but I'd like to say I captured a picture of all three of them here!

One... Twooooooooo... Nine! Kali seems to love the number 2, so she holds it as long as she can, and then moves on to 9! We are working on putting it in her vocab but she is so stubborn!! She loved it when Manny and Papa Coldwell were swinging her!

Here is our friend the gorilla up close... he's so cute!!

Kali just LOVED the gorilla. We couldn't hardly get her away from the window. He was chillin out in the corner!

We couldn't get her to hold on till we got to the car. She crashed out in the stroller and then stayed asleep all the way home and then napped for 3 more hours. We wore her out!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Here Fishy Fishy!!

We love to fish as a family and decided to introduce Kali to it. I'll take a picture of it later but Mike got Kali a Dora fishing pole with a cute pink weighted fish on the end of it. After casting it once for her she was bored... oh well! We'll try around later. She loved leaning over the railing and feeding the carp at the marina by the pool too. Enjoy!
We didn't want to bother with buying the dog food to throw to the fish and geese so instead I dug out a bag of Doritos! The fish loved it and so did the geese. Kali would pick up a handful and eat a piece and throw and piece.... eat a piece and throw a piece! It was funny!
We couldn't get her away from the railing... she was obsessed!!

Kaelyn was the only one to catch a fish that night. She was so proud! Can you see it?? It was a tiny blue gill.... about 4 inches long!!
Kali lunged at the fish and then pulled back and screamed YUCKY! after making contact with it. Don't think she'll try to touch any fish anymore!
It looks like we did night fishing but really it was only starting to be twilight. We had a good time... and so did the bugs that chewed on us!

Miner Mike's Arcade

Friday night at Tan-Terr-A we went to Miner Mike's, an arcade/carnival style place. It really was a lot of fun. They had a train roller coaster that just went in a circle but seemed fun. There were bumper cars and games for everyone... even the little ones!!
Mike was unsuccessful catching any real fish this week but he made up for it on the game at Miner Mike's. This game was pretty cool... he wants one for home!
Kali has learned that candy is good anytime!! Kimberly and Nathan found a claw game that always pays out in candy. Nathan put his cup up on the table where you can see that Kali found it! I did give her a piece after taking the picture... I'm not THAT mean!
Sometimes I think that Uncle Ray forgets his age... he's just a big kid!! Here is Ray and Kimberly on the mini-train roller coaster. They said that even though it was very small and a short track that is was a lot of fun. I guess that's all that matters right?
There was a cow milking game... unfortunately it was out of order so I can't give any details. Nathan and Mike ran away with the camera and this is what they came back with. Boys will be boys I suppose!! :-)
Kali loves to ride in cars.... unless it has a car seat and she can't move from it for 2+ hours! Anyhow, here she and Joseph are riding in a Fozzy Bear car and Miner Mike's. I think I burned up 3 dollars on this car... each ride is 25 cents... 12 rides!! :-)

The Foley's are Fish on VACATION!!

One of the best parts of Tan-Terr-A is the pool. Look up the website and check out the main pool that looks over the lake. We just couldn't get enough of it. So of course I was out there with my camera trying to get some good angles of Mike's side of the family. We are hoping that the Coldwell side of the fam will join in next year. I can't even imagine the folly's from a trip like that!! :-)
Here is Aunt Tisha going down the slide. All of the adults except Nana Foley were at the pool on Friday and all of them went down the slide... even Papa Foley! Sadly I didn't get a picture of that one, it was pretty entertaining.
Kimberly can't get enough of the pool. We swam for 4 hours straight on Friday and she was still begging for more!!
By the end of the swimming day on Friday Kali actually found her monkey and cried Night Night to me. I didn't get a picture of it but she climbed up on the reclining chair in this picture and sucked her thumb and lay her head down on Monkey. I felt so bad for her that I loaded up and took her to the room for a bath and a nap. She was such a good girl!!

Uncle Ray took Kali down the slide probably 10 or more times. She LOVED it! I took her down once on Friday and then again on Saturday but the Mom is the only one who takes pictures so I didn't make the cut. Oh well!! Kaelyn and Joseph in the "kiddy puddle" as I called it. It wasn't really a pool. There was zero entry and the deepest it went was maybe 6-8 inches and it had little fountains all around. It really was fun and ALL of the kids loved it!

She is such a fish and so fun to photograph! Wait till I get my new camera for our anniversary... they will be EVEN BETTER!!
I love to take action shots of Kimberly and Nathan. Even though they hate to have their pictures taken they will gladly get in and out of the water to get the perfect action pose!
Here's all five little Foley's. I promised them I would only make them pose for one picture! Here it is! Aren't they so cute??

Traveling and Hotel Bloopers!

Ahhh, it's so good to be home!! With that said we had such a good time! I have more pictures to post later but here are some of the ones that were taken in the hotel and car.
We had the portable DVD player for the long drive down and back. Kali was mostly entertained by that but throw in a little bit of Nathan's goofiness and we were good to go!!
Kimberly has gotten Miss Kali hooked on Doritos. Look at how orange her lips are!! :-) When anyone tried to get a chip from her she screamed NO!! Funny but not really... still cute though!!

Nathan gets sucked into anything that is on TV... even on vacation!! Noticed that he too is enjoying a Dorito!
Kali was ALWAYS the first one up. Nathan was ALWAYS the last one up. Here is Kali trying to coax the Natester out of bed... she was unsuccessful!!

Kali busted free of the hotel room one morning and took off down the hall... it took a little while to coral her into the room! This kid loves to run!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sneak peak at our lake trip...

We went to Tan Ter-A this last weekend and had such a good time. I promised my dad that I'd post this video first since it's super cute! Mike's brother Christopher took Kali down the slide once and as she always says... AGAIN... she went down about 10 more times. Here is a short video to make you smile!!

Have probably have about 30 other pictures to post of all the kids and the rest of the Foley's... I'll spread them out over a few days!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Slip and Sliden' Kali

We had two slip and slides in action at our "4th of July on the 5th" party. Kali loved the water on both slides... but particularly liked the trick Grandma Coldwell showed her on the triple slide. This is only one recording of her sliding but, no joke, she probably went down 15 other times. She just kept getting up and going again. By the time all of the water was shut off and she was wrapped in her towel, I had a pooped out little lady!! That is until the fireworks started!! :-)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Fourth of July... on the Fifth!

The Foley's celebrated 4th of July on the 5th this year along with a few friends and family. We ate brisket and ribs that Mike smoked, and hot dogs and burgers. Our guests brought sides and drinks to round out our food fest. The fireworks were fun and oh yeah, so was the water! The kids were in heaven with two slip and slides and of course the kiddy pool was full of water and little people.
Grandma Coldwell and Kali played together a lot at the party. Thank you so much mom!! Actually, Kali played with a lot of people. Without you fabulous people I would not have gotten anything done. What a fun party!!
Kali was so excited to have Uncle Ray lead her and Joseph to the water slide. She was squealing and jumping as they power walked to the water.
Kaelyn couldn't eat fast enough! She was one of the first kids on the slip and slide. Check out Joseph's happy silly face! He was having fun playing in the water.
He was happy until Uncle Ray put him down the slide. The hose water is very cold!!
Kaelyn joined Kali on the water slide. Kali was all about the water.
...more water...
... and more water! Kali LOVED the slip and slides as you can see here!
After the water Kali was nearly blue! Soooo, she got dressed and cuddled with Grandma Coldwell to watch the big kids shoot off little fireworks.
Nathan's friend Kyle was crazy about the parachutes. We had some good sized ones this year. As you can see they tied one of Nathan's Army guys to the chute... afterwards of course.

Nathan and Kimberly were allowed to light more stuff this year. Soooo, here Nathan is showing his baby sister how you light snakes!! Aunt Traci valiantly kicked the snakes off of the driveway before Mike could see the black mark!! :-)
We had lots of little kid friendly fireworks like the champagne poppers you see all over Kali here. She loved it when they made the pop sound and then ran to pick up the streamers. Aunt Traci made sure that Kali was well entertained!!
Here is a reminder of why you don't see many pictures of Kimberly and Nathan on this blog. I couldn't even get this kind of picture of Kimberly!!
Here is little man Landon. He loves his sparklers. Landon belongs to our friends Kiley and Ashley.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Foley's just gotta have fun!!

What a great investment this kiddy pool has turned out to be. I really thought that only Kali and I would get in it. In all actuality Kimberly and Nathan play with it more the Kali. Another way to blast away summer boredom. Enjoy the pictures!
The running approach to the pool always makes for a good photo op! Check out Nathan's face and Kimberly "6 foot" jump! We love this picture! Kali giggled when they did this, especially since they splashed her whole front!! :-)
Swimmers take your mark...
This would be Ninja Nathan!! :-)
Usually the swimming in this pool happens in regular clothes. I start to fill it up, planning on letting it warm up for the late afternoon... and then splash... one of the big kids makes a "dive" for the water. So much for bathing suits!
Despite the heat Coco was not too excited to be in the pool. Kimberly had to keep a firm grip on him.
Kali is really good at finding the shadiest and the dirtiest spots! She likes to dig past the rocks and into the dirt! I guess the dirtier you are the more fun you had right? That's what they make soap and water for anyways.