Kali and Nathan had a really good time in the pool the other day. I just had to film her obsession for the day. As you will see she kept wanting to fill up her water bottle and dump it out... over and over again. It was so cute and Nathan really played with her like a good big brother does!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Busy afternoon in the sun!
Gotta love the dirt... Kali sure does!
We are in the process of wrapping our deck with lattice so that we can use the under area for storage. With putting up a frame come a bit of dirt the be tossed around... dirt for Kali to play in!!
Big girl seat!
Kali has been asking to sit in chairs a lot lately. So... we figured she was ready for a booster. Here she is enjoying lunch at the table like a big girl!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Some Catching Up...
Sorry that I haven't posted anything for a while. My camera, or rather my rechargeable batteries, have been on the fritz!! Not a ton has gone on since Mike's birthday. Kali and I were both sick since the wedding so Kali went to the doctor last week. There were two pieces of good news. One was that she just has a virus and actually the day after our visit to Dr. Williams her fevers stopped and she improved greatly! The other good news was that she is 22lbs and 10oz!! For those of you who keep up that's almost 3lbs since her 18 month appointment. She is 21 months now... WOW!! She is doing great! She may be in her age size of clothes before we know it!! :-) Anyhow, Mike is now battling a cold but won't let that stop him. As I type this I can hear him setting up for a mini band practice on his new drum set. His left ear is full of fluid though so we'll see how long it lasts. Kimberly and Nathan are trying to stay busy with their summer break. The are going back and forth between here and there mom's house. As long as we get them to the pool once in a while and let them have a friend over once a week or so they seem to be just fine. So for now, I have a picture of Miss Kali below... escaped from her diaper!! Enjoy!!
Check out THOSE sweet cheeks!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wedding Pictures!
Here are some of the pictures that have trickled in from friends and family. I will add to this as they come in. Be patient guys... I know you want more pictures and I WILL deliver!! :-)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Happy Daddy!!
Yesterday, June 10th, was Mike's 35th birthday. We celebrated with presents, swimming, pizza, and a Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake! We enjoyed the cake out on the deck since it was such a nice evening. All day long we all tried to teach Kali to say Happy Birthday Daddy. All we could get was Happy Daddy... very close! Once she figured out how to say that she couldn't stop. Happy Daddy.... Happy Daddy! She helped Daddy blow out his candles too. I think she'll be ready for her candles in September!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Congratulations Aunt Manny and Uncle Chuck!!
Chuck and Amanda got married on Friday and wow what a beautiful wedding it was!! Amanda wore a beautiful dress and Chuck looked so nice with is white and black shoes!! The colors were green and pink and everything went very well!! Our day started off early at Amanda's with our hair, 9am to be exact. A friend of Amanda's, Emily, came over and did our make-up too! It was so fun. Kali wasn't quite in the napping mood with all of the women running around the house, so she played with cousins Nina and Nicole. They were the best!! Everyone else went out for lunch and I drove Miss Kali around so that she would nap. After about an hour she was good to go! We weren't really all that hungry so it was all good! We headed off the the church to get ready and take some pictures. When Amanda was ready it was time for her to see Chuck. It was so sweet... we were all crying!! Pictures went well... except for when Kali was told to smile and pose... again thanks to Nina and Nicole for playing with her. She did very well and then it was time for the wedding to start. I was the Maid of Honor and so Kali was to walk behind me with Nina... NOT GONNA HAPPEN! Turns out I had to carry Kali down the aisle... with her basket... and my flowers. I held her at the alter for about 10 minutes and then off to Daddy she went in the audience. The service was beautiful, Pastor Bob honored the memories of our Papa and Chuck's grandparents. It was very sweet and perfect in ever way! The rings went on without a hitch and FINALLY Mr. and Mrs. Schoening!! The reception was super fun!! It was held down town in an art gallery and had quite an urban feel to it. The decorations were so cool!!! The colors were pink and green and it was perfect! The food was good, the cake was awesome, and the music was perfect for the night. Of course on the list of important items was a speech! Yikes! I didn't prepare a speech. Kali broke the ice by screaming into the mic a couple of times. Everyone thought it was funny and so did she! And well my speech, was hard to give! I am a blubbering baby and seeing my baby sister married and happy really brought up some serious emotions. I cried and couldn't talk but did muster up the one liner: Who would have thought you were marry our dad??!! Those who heard it really did laugh. If I could do it again I would have mentioned that all that Amanda really wanted was to be Mrs. Schoening... and now... you did it! I really am so happy for them!! ... okay, sniff sniff, I'm crying just writing this. Next was the dollar dance and Amanda made $129 and chuck make $40 something. Hmmm... Manny won!! Before our night came to an end Kali shook her little tail feather on the dance floor. Everyone circled around her and she LOVED the attention. I wish that I had pictures to post but for now the words will have to do. My camera is on the fritz and so I'm hoping to obtain some pics later and post them for ya!
Yummy corn!!
I bought some fresh corn from the store the other day and went out on the deck to shuck it while Kali was playing. She was very quickly interested and grabbed an ear for herself. After I cleaned one off really well and sat it down on the table.. Kali quickly grabbed it and took a big old bite!! It hadn't been cooked yet but she didn't care. I guess we will have an extra taker at the table when our corn comes in!!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Keeping busy!
Kali loves her new wheels!
Kali got herself some new wheels and she is in love! She likes to put her baby in back and get in and out... in and out... in and out! She hasn't quite figured out how to actually drive the car. I'm sure that will come later. Enjoy the video!
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