Here she is just hamming it up for the camera. It's her signature smile/squint/pose for when the camera comes out. It's super
dooper cute!!

It's nice now that Kali loves to feed herself. If you can't tell what she's eating it's
refried beans and gold fish crackers!! :0) What a combo. She cleaned that plate... yummy!!

We have had and explosion of "Little
People in our living room!! It's amazing how long she will play with all of her toys. I have to admit it drives me crazy to see her mix and match all of the people and pets because I really prefer that each person and animal be placed in it's appropriate place... at all times! :-) Kali has something else in mind if you can imagine!!

Kali loves to follow me around the house and tries to help me whenever she can. When Daddy snapped this picture, she stopped vacuuming and decided to make her signature picture face!
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