Friday was such a beautiful day!! Kali and I had to take advantage of the pretty weather... after looking at the forecast for next week we KNEW we had to get some outside time in!!

OUTSIDE!! PLEASE!! It's so much fun to hear all of her new words. I started
counting up the words that she says and stopped at 60. Now, some of the "words" are long letter sounds but she definitely knows what she wants when she says them.

Daddy has her all into soccer! She even has her own little ball... no one else is allowed to play with that little ball!

"Finally a tree that is almost my size!!" I remember planting these trees the spring that I was pregnant with Kali! They are growing nice and slow... just like Kali!! :-)

Just in case mama... hold my hand!! As you can see... Coco wants to see what she's doing and if it's something he can eat!!

Kali loves to pick up stuff off of the ground!! Doesn't matter what it is. Here she was trying to get a rock that she dropped and was saying Uh Oh!!

It was so windy and sunny outside that she didn't know what to do!! Kali kept trying to push her shopping cart in the grass... well she can't even walk in the grass so how would she push the cart in the grass?? One days she will figure it out!

Last summer and fall you couldn't get her out of this swing without a fight... not the case this time around!! This is a face that is saying: No No No No!! Maybe she'll change her mind when she gets a big girl swing?
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