With the stress of school and work and every day relationships we still find the time to play! Since Miss Kali came along she seems to be the center of attention... well duh!!
Kali rediscovered her friend the balloon! We have had this one pink balloon lobbing around the house for about a month now. It shows up in various different rooms and sometimes she finds it and holds it for a while, then loses interest and we don't see it for a few days.
While "loving" on the balloon she lost her grip and it started to slip away from her. There weren't tears involved but she for sure was upset about the situation.
As would any of us, Kali crawled after the balloon, after I took her pants off of her ofcourse. If you can't tell, she is very tiny for her age and her pants are not very "crawling friendly". Kali very quickly had the help of big sister Kimberly and big brother Nathan to catch the runaway balloon!!
As would any of us, Kali crawled after the balloon, after I took her pants off of her ofcourse. If you can't tell, she is very tiny for her age and her pants are not very "crawling friendly". Kali very quickly had the help of big sister Kimberly and big brother Nathan to catch the runaway balloon!!
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