Sunday, December 27, 2009

Winter Break Part 1

We are halfway through Winter Break and already have some fun memories caught on film! The break started off with knowing that Kimberly was officially moved back! After three semesters of school living with her mom she decided to come back to Belton... to stay! Hopefully we'll get some pictures of her new funky purple room... it's way cool!!
Check out this little dancer! Kali rarely keeps pants on when she's home for any extended amount of time! She especially likes to put on her Princess Shoes and dance around for us. Very entertaining and she seems to be quite comfortable!
Play time in the living room!! Kali busted out the Twister Moves and we had Yo Gabba Gabba going on the TV. Quite a bit of dancing a shaking going on!!
Coco wants a turn....
Nevermind! He's too shy!
To win Kali just jumped on all of the colors! That will work... I think.
On Christmas Ever Tiger jumped into Kali's baby bed and she decided to cover him up with blankets. He stayed in that bed for over and hour. After I took this picture she started piling babies and books on him...he didn't like that part!
We had to put off Christmas morning until noon waiting for Kimberly and Nathan to get home from their mom's house. To keep Kali occupied we let her open up a couple of her gifts. Here is her Lego set... she was making a castle for Tinker Bell.
I love this picture! You can see Kali's tower... plus Coco's chew stick balancing on the left tower. She was teasing him with it... you can see him on the lower left corner staring up at the stick! Poor Coco Baby! Also- you can see Kali playing on her easle that Santa brought. She LOVES it!!
Kali got Elefun for Christmas and here she is playing with Kimberly... another wonderful game for toddlers! I highly recommend it for any toddler 2 and up! The butterflies shoot out slowly for them to catch in the nets.
Kimberly is the best to have around for playing with Kali. She doesn't even feel forced because Kali offers up a game or toy and Kimberly is genuinely excited to play with her!! Sisters... LOVE IT! Here they are playing ice cream shop PlayDoh. I'm still cleaning up PlayDoh sprinkles... Yummy!
Ah finally a picture of Nathan! He finally did his annual bare belly snow angel! Well.... his pants and gloved hands got in the snow... he somehow managed to keep his bare skin off of the snow. Kimberly and I think he's getting soft in his old age! haha

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Random stuff... just like us!

My camera has been out of comission for some time now... but now we are up and running! Here's my attempt at catching up! More to come... I promise!!
I didn't realize that Kali had put Elmo in the tub... she definitely has the concept of flotation device down! She is soooo considerate of Elmo's eyes too and put his goggles on him! What a nice girl!!
Kali took this picture of Kimberly... good hob huh?!
We had a wing-fry for the KU/MU boarder war showdown. It was super nice so we went out to play at half time. Kali discovered that there is sand under the rocks on this half round landscaped wall! She discovered that she didn't like sand in her panties! :-)
Kali serenaded me while I put the turkey in the oven for Thanksgiving... It was great!
Our girls!
Uncle John was in town last month. It was great to see him! Kali really warmed up to him and thought it fun to run at him and jump on him. She usually has a problem with me. It was great to watch and I know he LOVED IT!!!

Driven at the Mustard Seed

Mike's band, Driven, has been putting in a lot of hours perfecting their sound! They are AWESOME! We had a night out without kids last month and had a great time! Here is Lamar on rhythm guitar, Brian on lead vocals, and of course my honey Mike on drums. They were loud and awesome!!
Here is Joe, Chuck (Amanda's husband), Jonny, and Sonya... they were totally lovin' the show!
Mom had a night out without Dad... he had to get up early for opening season for deer.
Sisters! Me, Traci, and Amanda.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I was a cheater and snuck down to Radiology the other day and got a sneak peak ultrasound. It revealed that we will be having a beautiful bouncing baby BOY! Everyone is sooooo excited! I didn't get any pictures printed so you'll have to wait till November 11th when I get the real ultrasound! Also... sorry about the lack of posting. My camera is on the fritz and we haven't been able to replace it. Hopefully I'll get caught up soon! Until then hope every one is doing well!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Baby Foley

Here it is... Baby Foley! I had an ultrasound today that revealed me to be about 11 weeks and 1 day along. That will put us right about April 1st. More to come later!

Happy Birthday Kali!!

We finally wrapped up birthday season with Kali's 3rd birthday. She was such a happy birthday girl and it was a wonderful day!!
Wubbzy cake and kickity kick ball cupcakes!! :-)
She opened all of her cards first... she was very patient!

She said THANKS!! To everyone that gave her a gift... very polite!!

Grandpa Coldwell made this super cute dollhouse! She adores it!!
Among other gifts she also got a hot pink Mini-Cooper battery operated car that she's not too sure of yet but we will work on getting pictures and video later!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Birthday Season

Kimberly and Nathan's birthday's are in the same month and they are only 11 months apart. That makes for a careful planning for parties!! Now they are too old to combine parties and prefer to do stuff with friends. So, that means that in August this year we had a party every 2 weeks leading into Kali's party the first weekend of September. Speaking of Kali, she has been very very helpful in making the cakes this year!!
Let me taste the frosting to make sure it's safe!! :-)
"Go ahead and put it on the cake... I approve!"
Nathan's cake. It was stuffed with homemade cake batter ice cream. We were rushed in putting it together due to a couple of setbacks. It wasn't a pretty cake but it sure was tasty!!
Happy 12th Birthday Nathan!!
Again Kali was very helpful in making Kimberly's cake... testing the frosting is her favorite!!
Ta Dahhhh! Patrick Starfish! Not to shabby if I do say so myself!!
Check out the hat! She LOVED the cake!!
Happy 13th Birthday Kimberly!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sleep over with cousin Kaelyn!

Kaelyn has started sleeping over at our house every once in a while and it's a lot of fun... they get so hyper and fired up and then... all of a sudden... they crash!
Ever since Kaelyn noticed we have a big tub she's been begging to take a swimming bath! Well, she got her wish! Here is Kaelyn and Kali splashing around in the whirlpool tub.
Time to brush your teeth...
Cheesing it up after brushing teeth!

AAANNNNDDDD this is what they did in the morning!! :-)

Deanna Rose Farmstead

Deanna Rose Farmstead has become a great and free day trip with the weather is nice!! Here are some great pictures of one of our many trips to the farm!
Mike's cousin Sarah and her boys Bryce (the little guy), and Beau came up from Nailer, Mo and were excited to see what the farm was all about!
Kali is obsessed with the goats!!

Awww Mommy... a Baby Cow!!
Kimberly is trying to compose herself... the cow was trying to eat her shirt!
The goats fight to get the bottles!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Mrs Hoppy the Frog!

Kali woke up from her nap the other day to find that I had caught her a little frog and put it in a container with holes in it. She was so excited about it that we went out back to see if we could find some more. She was soooo funny! Enjoy the pictures and videos just as I enjoyed capturing them!
LOOK Mommy!! Mrs Frog!
Oops... he jumped out of her hand and on to her leg!!

She is waiting to patiently for the little frog!

Here she is trying to catch her little friend!

Summer fun!

This is our second year planting a garden. Since these pictures were taken everything has come up and is looking good! We currently have 5 different types of pumpkins in the ground, green beans, onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapenos, watermelon, cantaloupe, and cucumbers! YUMMY!!
Heading out to the garden to see if she can "help" in any way!! :-)
Planting green beans!! Yummy! Kimberly and Nathan love the beans more than anything else that comes from our garden...they love to help!

A little water helps the seeds grow!
Still lovin' the mower with her daddy!!

There is always time for sidewalk chalk!!
Kali sees Daddy sweep after he mows. She wanted to help!
Mean yes I know to take this picture... even more mean that I'm posting it... but how cute is this? Sometimes when we're putting on PJs Kali likes to run away "nakey"!!