Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I guess you're never TOO old...

The other day Kali threw a fit when we started out for a walk... and so instead of pushing around a crying kid I turned around... and with tears streaming down her face... took Kali out of the stroller and we played at the house instead. I figured I would try to make sense of the clutter in the garage, including putting away the exersaucer from 12 months ago. Cousin Joseph was using it and returned it a few weeks ago. Kali insisted on getting in! Check out her hair!! Pony tails are a wrestling match these days. :-) Enjoy the pictures.

This wasn't "I want out" ... she was screeching at me for taking her picture!!
Even on the tallest setting she couldn't stand up!! After about 30 minutes she finally was okay with getting out and playing with her big girl toys.

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